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AceReader Pro Deluxe Network v5.0.1.6

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AceReader Pro Deluxe Network v5.0.1.6
AceReader Pro Deluxe Network v5.0.1.6 英文正式版(教育輔助閱讀的軟體)

AceReader Pro是個教育輔助閱讀的軟體。更快速的學習知識,並以高速度方式來完成閱讀。
在所謂的TSP模式時,你可以利用雙眼以快速的速度來閱讀。 AceReader Pro將幫助你進階性
AceReader is referred to as: Reading Improvement Software;
Reading Assessment Software; Productivity Reading Tool;
Self-Improvement Educational Reading Tool; Reading Fluency
Software; Vision Training Software; Speed Reading Software.

Teachers often say... "Finally I found a modern day software
version of a Tachistoscope machine used years ago to pace eye

It can be used to: (1) assess your current reading level; (2)
improve your reading speed and comprehension, both online and
offline; and (3) help you read faster while on the computer, by
utilizing special display modes.

In today's fast-paced information age, it is more important than
ever to be a proficient reader. Everyone from high-powered
executives to children just learning to read in grade school can
benefit from AceReader.

Our goal is to help you read faster, while maintaining or even
improving your comprehension. When you accomplish this, reading
becomes like watching a movie. It becomes fun to read because
you're able to absorb more material in a shorter amount of time.
In short, it leads to more success and a better overall quality
of life.

Like anything, it takes practice. AceReader is not designed to
teach you how to read, but instead focuses on helping you be more
proficient at your reading both on and off the computer.

Problems AceReader Solves:

AceReader helps you break two major bad habits:
(1) Subvocalization (pronouncing the words in your mind while you
read), and (2) Re-Reading/Regression (letting your eyes wander
back to re-read text). AceReader paces you to read at higher
speeds. At these higher speeds, it becomes physically impossible
to subvocalize. And because AceReader displays text by flashing
word sets, you will be forced to read ahead and will not have the
opportunity to regress.

AceReader will also help you: (1) Reduce Your Eye Fixation Time
(time spent when your eyes are focused on a single point), (2)
Expand Your Eye Fixation Zone (ability to read a wider text width
when your eyes are focused on a single point) and (3) Increase
Your Re-Fixation Speed (ability to reposition your eyes at a
rapid rate).

Technologies Used:

AceReader utilizes two technologies: (1) RAPID SERIAL VISUAL
(TSP). When AceReader is in RSVP mode, text is displayed in the
center of the text area. RSVP can help you to read faster than
normal because your eyes do not need to move. In RSVP mode, the
words come to your eyes instead of your eyes going to the words.
When AceReader is in TSP mode, text is displayed in a manner that
forces your eyes to move just like they do in normal reading. TSP
can train you to read in a normal fashion but at higher speeds.
Both modes can help you learn to take in multiple words at a

How AceReader is Used:

As a Self-Improvement Educational Tool - Learn to read faster,
both on and off your computer, by practicing with both RSVP
Mode (Center Text Mode) and TSP Mode (Eye Trainer Scroll Mode)
at configurable speed settings. Track your progress by taking
the reading/comprehension tests, broken out by grade levels
1-12+. Break two major bad reading habits: (1) Subvocalization,
and (2) Re-Reading; once you've broken these habits, you will
find yourself reading 2X, 3X or even faster. The more you
practice, the better you will get.

As a Productivity Tool - Read faster while on your computer by
reading in RSVP Mode (Center Text Mode). Use AceReader to read
and skim text rapidly from a variety of documents and from your
clipboard. The clipboard allows you to import text from other
applications, such as your favorite word processor and text
from the Internet (i.e. Web pages, e-mail, newsgroups). Utilize
the ?Burst and ?Sentence Search features to read efficiently
while online. Adjust (1) speed of text presentation, (2) font
color, (3) font size, (4) background color, (5) number of words
or lines, (6) delays, and much more.

Additional ways AceReader can be used:

Diagnostic Reading Assessment Tool - In addition to improving
your reading skills, use AceReader to help assess your current
reading level (speed and comprehension).

Tachistoscope - Use AceReader as a pacing tool. Some teachers
have noted that AceReader is a modern-day software version of
the mechanical tachistoscope machines from years ago. Those
machines, which would flash text onto a screen at configurable
speeds, were used to help many students and teachers learn how
to read better by pacing their eye movement. AceReader goes
beyond their capabilities, though, by providing many additional
options and features, and it includes the ability to track
student progress.

Warm Up Tool - Use AceReader to warm up your reading skills.
It's the same as picking up several bats and taking a few
swings before stepping up to the plate. Then you can switch
over to read online or offline, increasing your speed in the

Low Vision Aid - Read without eye movement. Change the text
font and background color to meet your needs.

Memorization and flash Card Tool - Use AceReader Pro's flash
Card Game to memorize learning material (i.e. state capitals,
multiplication tables . You can also use the Burst Forward
and Burst Repeat features to rapidly read and re-read text for
the purpose of memorizing it.

Self-Improvement Programmer - Step up the speed and rapidly
display messages to yourself for the purpose of programming
your subconscious with positive suggestions.

Foreign Languages Trainer - Use AceReader as a computerized
flash card system to read and re-read text for the purpose of
learning a foreign language. AceReader support s the
international ASCII character set (i.e. English, Spanish,
German, French, Italian, etc.).

ESL Trainer - Use AceReader to help learn English as a Second
Language by improving your English reading skills.

Dyslexia Aid - Read by viewing one or a few words at a time.
Easily adjust the speed to your fit your needs.

Eye Tracker - Train your eyes to move left-to-right and
top-to-bottom by using the ?Eye Trainer Mode. This mode forces
proper eye movement for normal offline reading.

PhotoReading Aid - Use AceReader to flash whole pages of text
at desired speeds to assist with online PhotoReading

Speed Reading Aid - Use AceReader to assist your eye tracking
at configured speeds. This will help break common bad reading
habits that slow you down (i.e. subvocalization and

A few more reasons why you need AceReader:

Proficient Reading = Proficient Learning. Once you unlock your
reading potential, you will unlock your ability to learn
everything more proficiently.
Better grades in school. Teach your children skills that will
pay benefits through high school, college and into the
Better performance on the job where reading skills are more and
more important.
More hours in your life as your reading speed increases.
Better quality of life as your reading, understanding and
retention grow year after year.

AceReader Pro Deluxe Network (Network School Edition)

This version includes all the features described in the AceReader
Pro Deluxe Plus version and is recommended if you will be
installing the software in a networked environment (i.e. a
computer lab). With the network version, students do not need to
sit in front of the same computer for each session and teachers
can monitor the progress (speed and comprehension graphs...) of
all the students from any computer on the network.

Note: The network version can be installed on servers for
networked environment, but also has the versatility to be
installed on standalone non-networked computers.

For More Info On AceReader Pro Deluxe Network Visit:
  • AceReader Pro Deluxe Network v5.0.1.1 英文正式版(教育輔助閱讀的軟體)
  • AceReader Pro Deluxe Network v5.0.1.3 英文正式版(教育輔助閱讀的軟體)
  • AceReader Pro Deluxe Network 英文正式版(教育輔助閱讀的軟體)
  • M.O.C 6435A Designing A Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure 英文正式版(認證教學)(DVD9版)

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